Securing the country’s energy supply, protecting our climate and strengthening Germany as an industrial location are key concerns of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) and the industrial partners of the Clean Power Net (CPN) innovation cluster.

In order to meet the challenges of climate change and the energy transition, it is necessary to rapidly develop technologies for energy generation that are as independent of imports as possible and operate sustainably. A highly dynamic portfolio of alternative solution concepts is currently being developed in which players from the wind, solar, hydrogen and fuel cell industries are cooperating with the German government. Particular attention is being paid to the production and use of green hydrogen.

The federal government has taken important steps with the revised National Hydrogen Strategy (NWS) and the planned amendment to the 4th BImSchV to simplify approval procedures for power-to-gas/gas-to-power plants and has recognized the importance of accelerating the market launch. Additional efforts are required to further support this process, particularly in the promotion of decentralized system solutions.

We therefore join the appeal to political decision-makers to implement public incentives and funding measures to support the market launch of decentralized systems for the production, storage and use of hydrogen. A clear commitment and a clear industrial policy framework for the future of hydrogen technologies are urgently needed.

You can find the full position paper at 2024_CPN position paper (unfortunately in German).